Conference > Field trip



(8 June 2018 - 8h30-12h30)



Marie-Noëlle de Casamajor (Ifremer) -

Denis Morichon (SIAME, UPPA) -



Stéphane Abadie (SIAME, UPPA) -

Alain Roudil (Pôle Pêche et Ports du conseil général des Pyrénées Atlantiques)

Gilles Morandeau (Ifremer) -

Marie-Noëlle de Casamajor (Ifremer) -

Iker Castège (Centre de la Mer) -

Laura Huguenin (IPREM, UPPA-UPV/EHU) -

Caroline Lummert (CAPB) -

Mathilde Monperrus (IPREM, UPPA) -


Conduct of the visit

- Route: Bay of Saint-Jean-de-Luz to Bay of Hendaye

- Departure by bus: 8h30 am place to define

- Boarding: 9:30 am in Saint-Jean-de-Luz

- Disembarkation: 11:30 am in Saint-Jean-de-Luz

- Return to Anglet: 12h30 pm or free time 



The objective of this field trip on board the Nivelle V is that the participants (number of places limited to 80 people) can become fully aware of the stakes of the territory and the efforts implemented in order to favour the rapprochement between the research structures and the public organizations in charge of the management of the coastal environment.


Tour schedule 

Intervention 1: (Bay of St Jean de Luz)

- Study of the impact of storms on coastal protection structures by S. Abadie (Prof. UPPA) & A. Roudil

The Artha breakwater which protects the bay of Saint Jean de Luz is subjected to very violent wave impacts due to the significant depth in which this structure is implanted. As part of the European MAREA project, a system for measuring instantaneous pressures has been set up on a permanent basis (i.e., integrated into the structure). The first part of the intervention will describe the experimental set-up and the associated research problem. The second part of the intervention will illustrate the monitoring of the condition of the breakwater and in particular the concrete blocks that protect it, whose instability is a cause for concern.

 - Coastal water quality and coastline management strategy by C. Lummert (CAPB)

The Agglomeration has implemented high-resolution hydrodynamic models that predict the bacteriological quality of bathing water in real time. These tools are effective in protecting users. Research projects are also underway to identify sources of faecal pollution in watersheds. The CAPB is also piloting a "coastal risk management strategy" which is a tool projecting the effects of erosion hazard by 2020 and 2040 on the territory. This tool has made it possible to formalise political choices to fight (hard structures) or adapt (relocation) to erosion, by monitoring the evolution of the retreat of the coastline, and by initiating a "risk culture" to make citizens aware of the dangers caused by erosion and flooding. Research projects are also underway to develop local flood warning tools. 


Intervention 2: (Cliffs of Socoa)

- Erosion of the cliffs by BRGM (speaker to be confirmed)

This site will illustrate the mechanisms at work in the evolution of a rocky coast as well as the problems of cliff collapse.

- Fisheries resources by G. Morandeau (Ifremer Anglet)

144 vessels are registered in Bayonne with 791 seamen on board. 62% of the vessels are active within 12 nautical miles, the rest of the fleet operates offshore. The main target species are hake, anglerfish, sole, bass and tuna (red and white).


Intervention 3: (In front of the Abadia domain)

- Seabirds by I. Castege (Biarritz Sea Center)

Monitoring of birds and marine mammals under the ERMMA programme makes it possible to monitor the spatio-temporal evolution of these populations. Locally, this work has contributed to the definition and management of Basque Coastal Marine Protected Areas.

 - Evaluation of the ecological state within a WFD/MSFD framework by M.N de Casamajor (Ifremer Anglet)

Monitoring of benthic populations in rocky intertidal and subtidal environments has been initiated on the Natura 2000 zone since 2008 under the WFD and then under the MSFD since 2014. Reference stations are regularly sampled to define the ecological state of the environment.


Intervention 4: (On the way back to St Jean de Luz)

Micropolit project by M. Monperrus (UPPA)

The south-aquitaine coast is an exceptional and fragile natural heritage. Preserving this environment involves improving knowledge of water quality, identifying and quantifying inputs from the continental environment, the nature of reactivity processes in the land-sea interface zone and the potential of organisms to adapt. MICROPOLIT proposes to respond by conducting interdisciplinary research on emblematic areas of the south-aquitaine coast, providing a global inventory and a prospective vision of environmental quality.

 - Evaluation of the ecological state by L. Huguenin (UPPA/ University of the Basque Country)

The evaluation of the state of conservation of the environment is a major issue. The main pressure identified locally is the discharge of wastewater treatment plants, the monitoring of communities through the study of biodiversity present on rocky substrates along the Basque coast is an indicator of ecological status.

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